How To Level Up Your Remote Job Search For New Year?

Waw Asia
3 min readJan 17, 2022

Many of us are unfamiliar with the concept of remote employment, and typical job search strategies don’t necessarily apply in this environment. You must know what to look for (and where to seek), as well as how to stand out as a top remote candidate. In this article, let’s find out how to level up your remote job search for New Year.

The modern workplace has seen significant changes in the last year, and corporate attitudes regarding remote working have evolved dramatically as a result. It would have appeared absurd to challenge the 9–5 Monday to Friday office work schedule in early 2020.

However, we are already seeing multiple multinational corporations choosing hybrid workspace in key cities across the world, with plans to expand the amount of remote work accessible. This creates more chances for people in different countries to find suitable jobs for themselves, not being limited by locations, distance anymore.

Continue reading to learn 5 strategies for optimizing your remote job search in 2022 so you can snag the job of your dreams!

No need to search for a remote job alone

A remote job search journey does not need to be a lonely way. The more people you can have in your corner, the better. This year, instead of spending time searching by yourself, try to reach out to your friends, your business network if they have any information about positions. You will get surprised at the results thanks to people’s sharings and practical experiences.

This can be stated as one of the fastest ways to gain experience in finding remote jobs while opening your networks.

Set your schedule

Instead of focusing just on finding work, you can make a job search strategy to assist you to keep on track. Also, ask yourself: Do you wish to apply for a specific number of job openings each week? Do you want to set a monthly goal for the number of informative interviews you conduct?

Having a clear schedule and targets will help you to have a general viewpoint of your searching journey, avoid burnout and know which steps you should take next.

Polish your profiles

With 91 percent of businesses using social media in their recruiting process, it’s more important than ever to think about your online presence when looking for work, especially in this more distant age.

With remote work, it is no longer about hard copies when you can totally leave your presence through digital platforms: websites, social media channels, newspapers,… You can also ask for colleagues to give testimonials on your LinkedIn, post more projects and examples on your own website.

Target your efforts

The job hunt may be daunting at times, and much of this is due to the abundance of tools available. It is suggested to be clear on what you are looking for: types of jobs (marketing, IT, design, language..), fields, positions, and other benefits you want, which will help to maximize your time.

So, take some time to rethink what you truly want from your work and figure out what’s ideal for you.

Are You Looking For a Remote Job in New Year? Sign Up For Waw Asia Now

We hope you have learned more about Waw Asia and useful tips to avoid job scams. Next step, you can join our thriving community of remote workers and enjoy immense benefits with a few simple steps:

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